The Swiss Army Knife of Geolocated Time Series Visualisation
Release v0.1.0. (Installation)
Pygoda is a Python GUI to visualise and analyse efficiently large sets of geolocated time series observed, recorded or computed at different locations on the Earth.
It is developed and maintained by Yann Ziegler @ University of Bristol (UK), School of Geographical Sciences, Bristol Glaciology Centre
This work is part of the GlobalMass project.
Pygoda means any of the following, depending on your preference:
PYthon for GeOreferenceD time series visualisation and Analysis, or
PYthon for GeOlocated Data Analysis, or my personal favourite
PYthon for GeOlocated time series DiAgnosis
Tasty Features¶
Spatio-temporal visualisation
Visualise tens of time series at once
Optimised modal GUI
Load many data format
Extract or compute time series features
Fit standard models
Sort and filter
Geographic data selection
Handy t- and y-range customisation
Colourful categories
Online map layers
Customisable theme
A (roughly) exhaustive list of features is available.
User Guide¶
General Information¶
Scientific Background¶
API (for contributors only)¶
For now, Pygoda does not come with an official public API. The only way to use the software is through its GUI.
An API documentation is provided for contributors, though.